VLOG 013: D1NZ Drifting Indoors at ASB Showgrounds 2020 (Day 1, Pro Sport Series)
VLOG Kenny Ruddell VLOG Kenny Ruddell

VLOG 013: D1NZ Drifting Indoors at ASB Showgrounds 2020 (Day 1, Pro Sport Series)

Behind the scenes setting up the insane indoor drift course held at Auckland's ASB Showgrounds in Greenlane - drifting sideways through the doors and around a concrete lined gauntlet!

Round 4 of the 2020 Valvoline D1NZ Drifting Championship; the 'lockdown event' that changed the series calendar in more ways than one.

Featuring some trackside footage from the Kaspa Transmissions Pro-Sport Restricted Class (Day 1)

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Taylor James Finishes 2nd Overall - 2020 Valvoline D1NZ Drifting Championship
D1NZ 2020, Feature Kenny Ruddell D1NZ 2020, Feature Kenny Ruddell

Taylor James Finishes 2nd Overall - 2020 Valvoline D1NZ Drifting Championship

Central Drift Team's Taylor James was a front runner during his time in the Kaspa Pro-Sport Series, this year was his first ever campaign in Valvoline New Zealand D1NZ Pro Championship - finishing 2nd overall after an intense battle for the series title..

A new car in the works, maybe we'll see Tay back for another Pro Series challenge in 2021?

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The Gauntlet: Indoor Pro Drifting in New Zealand
D1NZ 2020 Kenny Ruddell D1NZ 2020 Kenny Ruddell

The Gauntlet: Indoor Pro Drifting in New Zealand

Round 4 of the 2020 Valvoline D1NZ Drifting Championship brought us indoors for the first time at ASB Showgrounds in Auckland.

A unique drifting spectacle that laid down a challenge for drivers new and old, throwing around monster horsepower on a polished surface in a tight and technical concrete-lined gauntlet.

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